Kit for therapists

Get the most out of every therapy session with our therapist kit

Ready to get the most out of every therapy session?

Create a deeper dialogue and better impact
with our therapist package, 
offering clients valuable
conversation exercises and reflections

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The Therapist Kit is created for you as a therapist who wishes to give your clients  extra support and tools in between therapy sessions. With our collection of conversation guides, reflection exercises and fun games, you can help your clients' journey towards deeper insight by giving them "homework".

This allows you to co-create the therapeutic process with your clients and help them succeed in everyday life beyond the safe space of your therapy sessions.


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Hours of exercise content

Different focus areas 

What you get out of the therapist package 

Increase the depth of your therapy sessions with our therapist package.

With the therapist package, you will have access to a selection of conversation exercises, reflection tools, fun activities, and games that you can offer your clients to use between therapy sessions.

This will enable a more effective therapy process, allowing you to work more deeply by supporting reflection that enhances your work and helps guide your client to explore personal themes at varying paces.

In this way, you contribute to the client gaining a deeper understanding of their challenges and opportunities when reflection time and dialogue is tested between sessions.

Your client will feel that what is achieved in therapy with you can be successfully applied at home, even when you are not present.

Example of an exercise for couples-when finances and spending become an issue-


Conversation guide: your upbringing with money

In this section, you will be talking about something that may trigger strong reactions - that is, your  experience with spending money.

You should know that strong emotions may come to the surface: it might be shameful for you, to talk about about your financial status: whether it's high or low - both can provoke challenging feelings  if you are not in the same financial position as your partner.

That's why a conversation about how money has affected your childhood and past adult life  can be a good thing, providing much needed insight, putting things into perspective and leading to desired changes in behaviour or self-perception.


Your upbringing with money - let these questions inspire you:

  • What was your relationship with money growing up?

Now, on your own or with your partner, reflect on how your view of money has been shaped.

  • What are your favourite memories from your childhood about spending money?
  • How were finances discussed in your childhood?
  • How do those memories affect your life today?
  • What were the similarities and differences in money behaviour between grown-ups in your family?
  • Is there a behaviour the grown-ups displayed that you have picked up on yourself as an adult? Do you know why?
  • Is there a behaviour the grown-ups displayed that you would rather not take with you? Do you know why?
  • What have you experienced growing up that influences your adult self's relationship with money and consumption?
  • What feelings come to mind now that we're talking about the grown-ups that were part of your childhood?
  • Who taught you how to manage your finances?
  • How does that affect the money personality you have today?
  • Is there anything about money you wish you had learnt at an earlier stage in your life?
  • If you are a parent: What would you like to teach your children about money?
  • How do you think your upbringing influences the money personality you exhibit today?
  • What does your future money story look like?
  • What have you learnt about yourself in this exercise?
  • What do you want to hold on to and what would you like to change from what you experienced growing up?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do you have questions? Read more here

All exercises, conversation guides and games can be used as part of a therapy process. We recommend that you go through all parts of the kit as a therapist for you to decide for each client when in the process they are ready to take home one or more exercises. Exercises can be used in both individual and couples therapy, but are not suitable for children or teenagers.

Our therapist package contains 33 different exercises and activities within 6 different topics that cover guides for couples between sessions including "Connecting and Reconnecting", "Dating and New Relationships", "The Fun Exercises", "Blended Families", "Relationships and Finances", and "Relationships and Children".

The kit is created by therapists behind the Great Relations universe. Our background is in psychotherapy, psychology and communication and relationship specialisation. And we have years of experience in developing leadership groups, couples and individuals in therapy programmes and communication and relationship workshops.

Our courses and guides - are based on thorough research into relationships, especially the form of therapy our universe is built on, namely EFT: Emotionally Focused Therapy, which has been awarded the American psychologist organisation's gold star and delivers continued outstanding research psychotherapy results. See more on the international ICEEFT site:

It will enable more effective therapy where you can work more deeply because reflection supports your work and allows you to guide your client to explore personal themes at varying paces.

In this way, you help the client gain a deeper insight into their own challenges and opportunities when reflection time and dialogue is tried between sessions.

The kit can help your client to self-reflect between therapy sessions. Especially clients who need to be supported in self-reflection over time, it can also be clients who, together with their partner, need methods for dialogue that can strengthen the relationship and the close contact through conversation, or who need to bring humour and playfulness into the relationship.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at